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New applications are now open for Australian businesses

Modern Manufacturing Initiative Round 2

New guidelines for Round 2 of the Translation and Integration streams of the Modern Manufacturing Initiative have been released. Building on the Round 1 guidelines, the new Round 2 guidelines further clarify the objective of each stream, the key elements of a meritorious project, and how to address the updated criteria.

Businesses can now apply for funding under round 2 of the Translation stream and Integration stream of the Modern Manufacturing Initiative:

  • Manufacturing Translation stream helps manufacturers translate their high quality research and ideas into commercial outcomes.

  • Manufacturing Integration stream supports Australian manufacturers to access domestic and global supply chains and produce and distribute quality products and services into new markets.

Projects must align with the National Manufacturing Priority Sectors.

Manufacturing Translation Stream

Explore the sectors below for guidelines and applications

Manufacturing Integration Stream

Explore the sectors below for guidelines and applications

As the Australian Government is manufacturing a new future for the nation through the Modern Manufacturing Strategy, new funding opportunities under the Modern Manufacturing Strategy will be available soon. Find more funding opportunities for manufacturing projects.

Source: Australian Government Business


Advancing Victorian Manufacturing Together

Advancing Victorian Manufacturing is the Victorian Government's blueprint to ensure Victoria is home to internationally competitive manufacturers that are growing economic opportunity and jobs.

The Statement sets out prioritize actions in four domains to realize this vision.

  • Prepare for the jobs of the future

  • Innovate to capture high-value manufacturing opportunities

  • Build scale, capability and supply chain excellence

  • Foster a globally competitive business environment

Supporting Local Manufacturing

The Victorian Government recognises manufacturing's strategic importance and is committed to supporting the industry's growth. To assist companies with this transformation, the Victorian Government has partnered with industry to deliver initiatives designed to help boost local manufacturing businesses, create new jobs and secure new global supply chain opportunities.

Regional Manufacturing Clusters

The Regional Manufacturing Clusters initiative is being delivered by the Australian Industry Group, it supports manufacturers in regional Victoria to grow their business through strategic connections, as well as training and practical assistance focussed on innovation, upskilling, scaling up trade and supply chain opportunities.

Industry 4.0 Hub

The Hub will assist Victorian manufacturers to develop digitalization strategies for their business, increase their digital maturity and provide training to help them use Industry 4.0 technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, smart robotics and virtual reality to grow their business and innovate on their business model.

Additive Manufacturing Hub

This is a new Additive Manufacturing Hub to help connect Victorian businesses with breakthrough additive manufacturing. The Hub will help improve access for local companies to Victoria’s world-class advanced manufacturing infrastructure and promote Victoria as a globally significant destination for additive manufacturing investment.

Hub members in Victoria will be able to access the ‘Build it Better’ Advanced Manufacturing Hub Grants Program. The grants will provide assistance to companies that want to develop business cases for investment in Advanced Manufacturing technology, undertake design services or re-engineer existing products.

Victorian Industry Supply Chain Directories

  • Victorian Steel Industry Supply Chain Directory

The Victorian Steel Industry Supply Chain Directory lists businesses aims to facilitate the increased use of Victorian made steel products to help to grow the state's already strong steel manufacturing capability and capacity and further stimulate Victoria's economy. If you are interested in being included in the Directory, email

  • Wind and Solar Facilities

A Wind and Solar Facilities Victorian Business Supply Chain Directory profiles and promotes Victorian industry capability and supply chain businesses that are able to provide goods and services to wind and solar farm projects, while outlining key Victorian Government initiatives. If you are interested in being included in the next iteration of this directory, please email

  • Prefabricated Construction

The Prefabricated Construction Supply Chain Directory showcases the breadth of capabilities of Victoria’s innovative companies and its supply chain, along with case studies where Victorian companies have delivered outstanding projects. If you are interested in being included in the next iteration of this Directory, please email

Source: Business Victoria


Continuing Support after the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme Ends

After the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme (the Scheme) ends on 15 January 2022, Victorian tenants and landlords under financial strain will still have access to the Victorian Small Business Commission’s (VSBC) support.

If tenants and landlords have the option of talking with each other about their rental situation and trying to negotiate and agree on relief going forward. They will be able to apply to the VSBC for free and impartial help to resolve the matter.

More information

For more information about the Scheme, see the tenants and landlords page and FAQs.

Source: Victorian Small Business Commission


EV Charging for Business Fleets

The EV Charging for Business Fleets provides $1.5 million in grants to increase electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Victoria.

Victoria is working to support business leadership in the transition to EVs. Greater uptake of EVs by private businesses will help to reduce their emissions, supporting local emissions reduction targets, and stimulate the second-hand EV market at the end-of-vehicle lease.

Allocation of the funding will vary depending on the fleet characteristics of the business, including demonstration of need, location, size of fleet, frequency of use and commitment to an EV transition plan.

To apply, your business must

  • be a commercial-for-profit, not-for-profit or community organization

  • be the owner of a business that employs at least one person, not including the business owner, and fewer than 20 people

  • operate in Victoria.

Source: Business Victoria


Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Victorian Small Businesses

Providing mental health support to Victorians dealing with the challenges of running a small business to help them navigate through the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Through this program, Victorians dealing with the challenges of running a small business can get the mental health support they need to navigate through the impacts of COVID-19.

Current support under this program includes:

  • Partners in Wellbeing telephone helpline provides one-to-one wellbeing support and free access to financial counsellors and business advisors.

  • For immediate access to mental health support, visit Mental health in business.

Find information on Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Victorian Small Businesses in languages other than English.

Source: Business Victoria


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